- NAVY -

                                                                        Photos of Navy ships - 01


Page added:  2022-12-02

Frigate F 352  -

Frigate F 352 - "Peder Skram" - Royal Danish Navy - (Photo- and copyright: Karsten Petersen

This photo of "Peder Skram" I took in 1981, when she did not look like she did, when she entered service with the Royal Danais Navy in 1966 - or when I joined the navy the following year - 1967.  

She was modified with "Harpoon" and "Seasparrow" launchers which required the removal of the "B" turret - like you see on my photo.  The "B" turret is here replaced with "Harpoon" launchers during a major refit in 1877-79.

After the refit - the displacement went from 2371 tons to 2425 tons - - 

But still - she was the last big gun based warship in the Royal Danish Navy - and to my great joy - when she was retirted in 1990, she was NOT scrapped, but eventually ended up as a museum ship at the old navy base - Holmen - in Copenhagen.

Of museums ships with gun armament, the navy frigate "Jylland" from 1860 - 2500 tons - is also preserved, so now we have the last big wooden frigate - a 3-master -  with gun armament - and the last big gun equipped steel warship with guns- fully preserved.

The powerful and aggressive look of a warship, - here the F 352 "Peder Skram" -, never fails to make any ship lovers heart beat a little faster.

The sleek lines, the speed, the power and the strange beauty of those special ships cannot fail to impress.

In the following pages it is my intention to display some of the many warship photos I have taken over the years.

I will not go too deep into details about the ships, - technical data, armament, history and such things -, but just let the pictures speak for themselves of pure joy and admiration for those very fascinating ships.

But some info I will add - like the name, pennant number and country wherever possible, so that you can look up more information if so desired.

Please enjoy my coming pages with WARSHIP PICTURES.