Since received messages do not appear on the page on which the message is written, but instead arrive in my e-mail IN-box, - I have decided to transfer the remarks and questions to this page.

Eventual answers to related questions, I will also submit here.

1)    August.23rd. 2022

Besked: Wow, Karsten, What a site! Each photo is a beautiful work of art and historic and explained very well. There is soooo much! I have only scratched the surface so far. I loved the section on EMMA JEBSEN. This is unique on the Internet and I love it!

Stephen Kentwell - Australia

2     Sept.01.2022

Navn: Max Berg Emailadresse: Besked: Hej, Jeg hedder Max Berg, og var udmønstret på Heinrich Jessen fra julen 1975 som 3. mester (dispensation) Var i alt tre gange på Heinrich Jessen. Jeg så et billede fra "Hong Kong bar" Penang. På billedet ses Hans Joachim Erdmann, samt en anden, som du ikke huskede navnet på. Den anden er Poul Erik (Pollerix) Vistnok Jensen. Han var 2. mester. Han fratrådte rederiet i forsommeren 1976. Jeg selv fratrådte i sommeren 1977 for at begynde på Århus Maskinmesterskole. Det var hyggeligt at gense gamle billeder af kendte ansigter. Hilsen Max


I tried to contact you through the link on, but the mail could not be delivered.
If you get this mail, please tell me how to contact you,
Gijs Balster
the Netherlands

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad=


Dear Sir,

excuse me for disturbing You with this letter. I have read Your fine report on Old Hong Kong where You say that You have met Suzie Wong. As I am a "Lover" of Suzie Wong, I would like to ask a little favor: could You please add a few lines to the page saying how You met her, how she was in reality, what was her real name, what happened her after You and what You mean saying that the storyis exactly the same. I know that these questions are a little childish, but the figure of Suzie Wong is so beautiful that the wish to know all the possible things about Her is very strong. I am sure that You can understand my requests and I thank You in advance, I also apologize for my English.

I hope You can answer my questions and I send You my best wishes for Christmas Time and the New Year.

Sincerely Yours

Vittorio Piuzzi

Sanremo (Italy)

TO Vittorio:

When I talk about "Suzie Wong",  I do NOT mean the specific Suzie Wong from the book or the movie of the same name, but refer in general to the Hong Kong bar girls, - who of course have different names and backgrounds, - and  - indeed - they can be stunningly beautiful - and of course I cannot stay in Hong Kong for many years without having had contact with some of those "Suzie Wongs" - - -  

There is no more to it than that, - and I will of course NOT write about any such encounters since it will punch a hole in the "wall" that protects my privacy as well as "Suzie Wongs"  - - -

Best regards
