- "Land of the Morning Calm" -

1999-09-094 -

1999-09-094 - "Land of the Morning Calm" - view from the Palgongsan mountain ridge - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

In the beginning of this chapter on traveling/adventure/exploring I wrote, that I would not write a lot,- but rather let the pictures speak their own language-,since a picture tells more than many words.

In the case of KOREA,- I will ignore that statement to a certain extend, simply because I consider Korea to be the most beautiful country in the world!

The Korean peninsula is some of the oldest land you can find here on planet Earth! It was "born" where the crust started to turn solid and formed the land for 2000 million years ago!

Over these 2000 millions of years,- erosion and volcanic activity has created some of the most magnificent landscapes I have seen! And these scenarios where nature reigns supreme-, are constantly changing due to the Korean climate with 4 very distinct seasons.

Therefore, - regardless of what time you arrive to Korea-, you will always find something beautiful, - - guaranteed. But also when it comes to cultural things,- Korea is right on top with a unique culture that is just as old as China's,- so we speak about 5000 years.

Therefore Korea is not only an extremely beautiful country,- it's also a true treasure house when it comes to cultural- and historical things -

Finally I consider the Korean people very artistic, intelligent, disciplined, highly cultivated and what is most important to foreign travelers in their country,- they are extremely honest,friendly and helpful.

Where else in the world can you find hotels,- where there are no locks on the doors???? - - - - - - and nobody will steal!

And where else do you see people get on buses and just put the fare in a tray beside the driver's seat,- while the driver has left the bus for his coffee break??? - - - - - - and nobody will cheat!

Does all this sound like too much???? Well,- you don't have to believe a word of what I am saying,- but go and look for yourself,- and I promise you, that if you are into hiking in stunning landscapes, as well as cultural- and historical things,- then Korea is the place,- and I promise you, that you will not be disappointed.

Karsten Petersen, - traveler of Planet Earth. In this chapter I will display a few of the thousands of photos I have taken during my numerous trips to Korea.

I will display them in the following links,- and little by little I will add new nature parks, places and other things Korean. Once in a while I will change the pictures. (When I find time!!!)