"The Ships"

                Featuring - survey vessel SKA 4 - incl. - her sister ships and crew -

                                                           - and Greenland -

                                                                         Page 6

Ice, water,mountains and very clean air,  - beautiful -  (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Ice, water,mountains and very clean air, - beautiful - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Greenland -  (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Greenland - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Sometimes even a SKA rubber boat has to be cleaned - why not do it in peace and harmony on a floating ice flake? - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Sometimes even a SKA rubber boat has to be cleaned - why not do it in peace and harmony on a floating ice flake? - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Mother Nature at its best -  (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Mother Nature at its best - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)


- looks as if the hunter instincts are already fully developed -

(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

- a future seal hunter -

(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA boat - waiting for next assignment - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA boat - waiting for next assignment - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA 6 - erecting a "Hydrodist" station on another deserted rock in the ocean - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Here the new

Here the new "Hydrodist" station on top of the island with big yellow flag as marker - Jan Walseth at the station,- Jørgen taking photos to the right - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

"Hydrodist" station - Jørgen and Jan Walseth - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

View from

View from "Hydrodist" station - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

"Red Station", - a "Raydist" station - Jørgen starts up the portable generator - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

The Greenland National Dress

(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Magnificent colours, - always changing - try to compare with the similar view above - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Magnificent colours, - always changing - try to compare with the similar view above - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA 4, - SKA 5 and SKA 3 - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA 4, - SKA 5 and SKA 3 - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Erecting another

Erecting another "Hydrodist" station - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA boats below - SKA 4, - SKA-5 and SKA 3 -

(Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

The four SKA boats at sea again - - towards the survey area - take note of the fog in the horizon - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

The four SKA boats at sea again - - towards the survey area - take note of the fog in the horizon - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Into the fog - and danger, - a rock just below the surface!  See left side of the picture, where the waves are breaking over the rock - - -- - - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Into the fog - and danger, - a rock just below the surface! See left side of the picture, where the waves are breaking over the rock - - -- - - (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

Here is a good shot of the danger of navigating in waters not yet surveyed.

The SKA boat to the right in the picture go full astern, which is indicated by the dark exhaust cloud around the boat. The engine is really working hard!

It is trying to avoid collision with the submerged rock to the left in the picture.

See the white foam where a wave is breaking over the rock. The other SKA boat in the background steers away from the danger area - - -

SKA 3 , - full speed (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

SKA 3 , - full speed (Photography by Karsten Petersen ©)

                    End of page 6 - - -

                    Continue to page seven - - -